Directed by Purushotham Raaj, Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana features Shiva Kandukuri in the lead role, with Raashi Singh as the female lead. The film presents a gripping detective story enriched with mythological references, revolving around the traditional concept of ‘disti bomma’ and its eerie implications. Raaj’s narrative is a dark thriller that cleverly incorporates elements of cult and mythology, offering a fresh perspective on the detective genre.
Shiva Kandukuri portrays Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana, a village detective aspiring to match the iconic detectives celebrated in popular culture. His portrayal, marked by a unique style featuring dark glasses and a lungi, brings a distinct charisma to the character. Raashi Singh, playing the role of Lakshmi, a journalist determined to unveil the truth behind mysterious murders, complements Kandukuri’s performance effectively. The ensemble cast, including Devi Prasad, Varshini Soundararajan, Siva Kumar, Shafi, Surabhi Santosh, Sivannarayana, and Venkatesh Kakuman, significantly contributes to the film’s depth and engagement.
The musical score by Sricharan Pakala, with contributions from Vijai Bulganin, provides a pulsating backdrop to the film, enhancing the suspense and drama. Goutham G’s cinematography and Gary BH’s editing contribute to the film’s visual and narrative flow, creating a compelling viewing experience.
Despite its engaging premise and strong performances, the film’s pacing is impacted by an overly generous runtime, particularly in the first half, where the narrative occasionally feels prolonged. A more focused and tighter edit could have ensured a more riveting experience for the audience.
In summary, Bhoothaddam Bhaskar Narayana stands out for its innovative blend of detective storytelling with mythological elements. While showcasing notable performances and technical achievements, a more refined narrative structure could have solidified its position as a cinematic gem.