During his visit to Delhi, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is staying busy. This is his second visit to the capital within two weeks. During this visit to Delhi, Chandrababu met with Union Home Minister Amit Shah. They discussed issues related to the state’s bifurcation as well as other political matters. The meeting between Chief Minister Chandrababu and Amit Shah lasted for nearly an hour.
“Setting things right”… Chief Minister Chandrababu meets with Union Home Minister Amit Shah… Today with Prime Minister Modi…
During his visit to Delhi, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is staying busy. This is his second visit to the capital within two weeks. Upon his arrival in Delhi, Chandrababu met with Union Home Minister Amit Shah. They discussed issues related to the state’s bifurcation as well as other political matters. The meeting between Chief Minister Chandrababu and Amit Shah lasted for nearly an hour.
After the meeting, Chandra babu shared details about it through the social media platform X. He revealed that they discussed the state’s financial situation and the unstable debts accumulated between the 2019-24 financial years. Chandra babu mentioned that he also discussed the four white papers released on these issues with Amit Shah. He attributed significant harm to Andhra Pradesh to the inefficiency, mismanagement, and corruption of the previous government. Chandra babu stated that with a revival plan, the central and state governments would work together to put the state’s economy back on track. He expressed his commitment to fulfilling the aspirations of the people of Andhra Pradesh in collaboration with the central government. Additionally, he requested that Andhra Pradesh be given priority in the central budget.
Notably, before the budget is presented, Chandrababu’s meetings with Prime Minister Modi and other central ministers have gained significance. Today, Chandrababu is expected to meet with Prime Minister Modi and several central ministers. It is understood that he will request the central government’s assistance in securing the necessary funds for welfare schemes and development. He is also expected to specifically request the resolution of issues related to the state’s bifurcation promises. Furthermore, Chandrababu is likely to urge the central leaders to promptly release the funds due to the state.
After becoming Chief Minister, Chandra babu first visited Delhi on July 3, where he stayed for nearly three days, meeting with various central ministers to explain the state’s situation. Now, within two weeks, Chief Minister Chandra babu’s second visit to Delhi has gained prominence.