The Malayalam film ‘Hridayam,’ which hit theaters in 2022, is a coming-of-age drama directed by Vineeth Sreenivasan. Starring Pranav Mohanlal, Kalyani Priyadarshan, and Darshana Rajendran in lead roles, the film received critical acclaim and achieved significant box office success. ‘Hridayam’ attained cult status and became a blockbuster in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.
Darshana Rajendran on ‘Hridayam’ Remakes in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu
- Following the success of ‘Hridayam,’ Karan Johar announced he has acquired the rights to remake the film in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
- The Hindi remake will reportedly feature Siddharth Malhotra in the lead role.
- Speaking to News 18, ‘Hridayam’ actress Darshana Rajendran mentioned she is not deeply involved with the remake project.
- Darshana noted that there have been numerous discussions about the film being adapted into various languages.
- She added that ‘Hridayam’ has a universal appeal that connects with audiences globally, regardless of language barriers.
Darshana Rajendran on ‘Hridayam’ Remakes and Upcoming Bollywood Debut
- The actress remarked that ‘Hridayam’ achieved commercial success by depicting college life, attracting a significant audience from Tamil and Telugu states.
- She expressed confidence that the film would perform well in any language if remade and released.
- On the professional front, Darshana is set to sign a Bollywood project, marking her debut in Hindi cinema.
- She mentioned that several scripts have come her way, and she is currently in discussions.
- Darshana assured that she would choose an exciting project for her Bollywood debut.
- Despite her debut in Bollywood through the web series ‘Unpaused: Naya Safar’ in 2022, she has yet to appear in a feature film.
- Darshana revealed that the Hindi film scripts she received were not as compelling as those in Tamil and Malayalam.