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Drinks to boost calcium levels

Drinks to boost calcium levels

Boosting calcium levels can be crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing conditions like osteoporosis. Here are some drinks that can help increase your calcium intake:

  1. Milk: Cow’s milk is a well-known source of calcium. It’s commonly fortified with vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption. Other types of milk like almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk are often fortified with calcium as well.

  2. Fortified Orange Juice: Many brands of orange juice are fortified with calcium and vitamin D, making them a convenient way to increase your calcium intake, especially for those who may be lactose intolerant.

  3. Fortified Plant-Based Milk: Almond milk, soy milk, and other plant-based milks are often fortified with calcium, similar to cow’s milk. Be sure to choose varieties that are fortified with calcium and vitamin D.

  4. Calcium-Fortified Water: Some brands offer calcium-fortified water, providing a hydrating way to increase your calcium intake. Check the label to ensure it contains a significant amount of calcium.

  5. Smoothies: You can create calcium-rich smoothies using ingredients like yogurt (which contains calcium), milk or fortified plant-based milk, leafy greens such as kale or spinach (which contain calcium), and fruits like oranges or berries.

  6. Bone Broth: Bone broth made from simmering bones (such as chicken or beef bones) is rich in calcium and other minerals. It’s a flavorful way to increase your calcium intake, especially if you enjoy savory drinks.

  7. Tahini Shake: Tahini, which is made from ground sesame seeds, is an excellent source of calcium. Blend tahini with milk or fortified plant-based milk, a banana, and a dash of honey for a tasty calcium-rich shake.

  8. Green Vegetable Juices: Juices made from calcium-rich green vegetables like kale, broccoli, and collard greens can provide a significant amount of calcium. You can also add a splash of citrus juice for flavor and extra vitamin C, which can aid in calcium absorption.

Remember to include calcium-rich foods in your diet along with these drinks to ensure you’re getting a well-rounded intake of this essential mineral. Additionally, maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D is important for calcium absorption, so spending time outdoors in sunlight or taking vitamin D supplements may also be beneficial. As always, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet or supplement regimen.


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