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foods that can naturally fix the feeling of nausea

foods that can naturally fix the feeling of nausea

Certain foods can help alleviate feelings of nausea naturally. Ginger is renowned for its anti-nausea properties and can be consumed as ginger tea or in ginger chews. Peppermint, whether in tea form or as candies, has a calming effect on the stomach and can reduce nausea. Bland foods like crackers, toast, or rice are easy on the stomach and can absorb excess stomach acid, providing relief. Bananas and applesauce are gentle options that provide nutrients without aggravating nausea. Staying hydrated with clear fluids like water or herbal teas, such as chamomile, can also aid in settling the stomach.

Here are some foods and drinks that are known to help alleviate feelings of nausea:

Ginger: Ginger is widely recognized for its anti-nausea properties. You can consume ginger in various forms such as ginger tea, ginger ale (look for brands containing real ginger), ginger chews, or simply fresh ginger slices.

Peppermint: Peppermint has a calming effect on the stomach and can help relieve nausea. Peppermint tea or sucking on peppermint candies can be effective.

Plain crackers or toast: Bland, starchy foods like plain crackers, toast, or dry cereal can help settle your stomach and absorb excess stomach acid.

Bananas: Bananas are gentle on the stomach and can provide a good source of energy if you’re feeling nauseous.

Applesauce: Applesauce is easy to digest and can help soothe the stomach.

Broth-based soups: Clear, broth-based soups like chicken or vegetable broth can provide hydration and electrolytes without being too heavy on the stomach.

Rice: Plain rice is easy to digest and can help calm an upset stomach.

Popsicles or ice chips: Sucking on ice chips or a cold popsicle can provide relief from nausea, especially if you’re also feeling dehydrated.

Water or clear fluids: Staying hydrated is important when you’re feeling nauseous. Sip on water, electrolyte drinks, or clear juices like apple juice diluted with water.

Herbal teas: Besides ginger and peppermint, other herbal teas like chamomile or lemon balm may help soothe your stomach.

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