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Furry fruits

Furry fruits

“Furry fruits” typically refer to fruits with a fuzzy or hairy outer surface. One common example is the kiwifruit, known for its brown, fuzzy

Some common examples of furry fruits include:

  1. Peaches: Peaches are known for their velvety skin that has fine hairs, which can vary in intensity depending on the variety.
  2. Kiwi: Kiwifruit has a brown, fuzzy skin that is edible but is often peeled before consumption. The fuzziness of kiwi skin contrasts with its vibrant green interior.
  3. Lychee: Lychees have a rough, bumpy texture on their reddish-pink skin, which is covered with small, spiky protrusions that give it a fuzzy appearance.
  4. Rambutan: Rambutan is a tropical fruit with a hairy, spiky skin that is typically red or yellow. The hairs can be soft or rigid, depending on the variety.
  5. Feijoa: Feijoas, also known as pineapple guavas, have a green, waxy skin covered with a fine layer of fuzz. The skin is often edible and adds a slightly tangy flavor.

These fruits are not only distinctive in appearance but also offer various flavors and nutritional benefits, ranging from vitamins and minerals to dietary fiber and antioxidants. The fuzz or hair on these fruits serves different purposes, such as protecting the fruit from pests or environmental conditions and adding texture to their appearance. When consuming these fruits, it’s common to either eat them with their skin intact (if edible and palatable) or peel them before consumption, depending on personal preference and culinary use.


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