Synopsis: Siddharth Roy (Deepak Saroj), a prodigious child with a logic-driven perspective, transforms into an emotionless genius through extensive reading. His life takes a turn when he encounters Indumathi (Tanvi Negi), who introduces him to the realm of emotions. After losing to her in a competition, Siddhu embarks on a journey of exploring emotional facets, eventually falling in love with her and undergoing a transformative process. However, his psychological struggle surfaces, challenging him to find equilibrium between intellect and emotions. Will Siddhu’s expedition lead to self-discovery or intensify internal conflicts?
Film Review: V Yeshasvi’s Telugu romantic action film, Siddharth Roy, features Deepak Saroj, a former child artist, in a leading role, alongside Tanvi Negi and a commendable supporting cast. The narrative intricately weaves a tale of love, intellect, and emotional complexities.
Deepak Saroj’s portrayal of Siddharth Roy, a unique genius with inherent flaws, showcases his transition from a child actor to a formidable presence in Tollywood. While inevitable comparisons to Vijay Deverakonda’s iconic role in Arjun Reddy arise, Saroj’s performance distinguishes itself, hinting at a promising future in the industry.
Tanvi Negi, portraying Indu, delivers a captivating performance, blending charm and depth in her character. The chemistry between the leads, especially in romantic sequences, is bold and authentic, supported by strong performances from the ensemble cast.
Radhan’s music strikes a chord, albeit sporadically, and Sam K Naidu’s cinematography elevates the visual appeal, complemented by impressive production values. However, the editing could benefit from refinement.
Nevertheless, the film’s narrative and screenplay struggle to maintain engagement, with repetitive and prolonged focus on the protagonist’s extreme behaviors requiring patience from the audience. A more nuanced approach in the screenplay could have enhanced the film’s overall appeal.
Despite its shortcomings, Siddharth Roy offers a dynamic and audacious narrative that may resonate with a young audience seeking a contemporary love story infused with action and elements of real-life experiences.