“After the immense success of ’12th Fail,’ Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey joins the cast of ‘The Sabarmati Report,’ alongside Yodha actor Raashi Khanna. Following the release of a spectacular teaser that garnered positive audience response, the film’s shooting wrapped up on Friday. Raashi confirmed the news on her Instagram, sharing behind-the-scenes photos with Vikrant and the film’s director Ranjan Chandel.”
“On Friday, Rashi Khanna shared the latest pictures on her official Instagram handle, featuring her on the set of ‘The Sabarmati Report.’ In one photo, she and Vikrant Massey pose with the film’s director. Her caption reads, ‘And it’s a wrap for #thesabarmatireport where we chased some truths and deadlines. Here’s to the power of stories and the voices that need to be heard. Cannot wait for you all to see this story unfold on the big screen.! Also, extremely grateful to have worked with this dedicated and wonderful team.!'”