“Kubera” marks an exciting collaboration between acclaimed actors Dhanush and Nagarjuna, under the direction of renowned filmmaker Sekhar Kammula. The film’s first look, unveiled on Maha Shivaratri, showcased a contrasting appearance of Dhanush, sparking curiosity about the movie’s storyline. Transitioning into action mode, Nagarjuna and the team embarked on a shoot in Bangkok, capturing thrilling action sequences against picturesque backdrops. In on-location stills, Nagarjuna exudes elegance alongside director Sekhar Kammula, hinting at the film’s sophisticated narrative. Additionally, preparations for intense action sequences in grand settings promise an adrenaline-pumping cinematic experience. “Kubera” boasts Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead, adding further intrigue to the ensemble cast. With musical maestro Devi Sri Prasad leading the music department and Niketh Bommi overseeing cinematography, the film promises a captivating blend of captivating visuals and impactful storytelling. Overall, “Kubera” emerges as a highly anticipated project, combining stellar performances, dynamic action sequences, and expert filmmaking craftsmanship.
Dhanush, Nagarjuna, and Sekhar Kammula join forces for the high-budget film “Kubera,” with its first look unveiled on Maha Shivaratri. Dhanush’s appearance in the poster presents a striking contrast, piquing curiosity about the movie’s plot and theme.Nagarjuna transitions into action mode as the team embarks on a shoot in Bangkok, capturing action sequences against picturesque backdrops. In an on-location still, Nagarjuna exudes elegance alongside director Sekhar Kammula. Additionally, preparations for an action-packed scene unfold in a grand building, offering a glimpse into the film’s intensity.
Produced by Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP and Amigos Creations Pvt Ltd., the project features Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead. Musical maestro Devi Sri Prasad leads the music department, while Niketh Bommi oversees cinematography, promising a visually captivating cinematic experience.