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“New article on CM Revanth with Harish Rao, featuring key points!”

“New article on CM Revanth with Harish Rao, featuring key points!”

“Former Minister Harish Rao is currently preparing an open letter to CM Revanth regarding public issues. He will address topics like Tet, Loan Waiver, and other critical matters in this upcoming letter.”

“Another article about CM Revanth with Harish Rao. Highlighting the proposed points!”

Former Minister Harish Rao is currently engaged in an active dialogue with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy regarding various pressing issues affecting the public. This ongoing discourse reflects a significant engagement between political stakeholders concerning matters of public interest and welfare.

Harish Rao raised pertinent questions and concerns directed towards Chief Minister Revanth Reddy,

Previously, Harish Rao raised pertinent questions and concerns directed towards Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, encompassing topics such as the implementation of Tet, Loan Waiver schemes, and other crucial aspects impacting the populace. His proactive stance in addressing these issues underscores his commitment to ensuring accountability and transparency within the government’s functioning.

In his latest endeavor, Harish Rao has released yet another open letter, further delving into critical subjects that demand attention and action. One of the pivotal issues highlighted in his letter pertains to the support prices allocated for the sunflower crop. He emphasizes the plight of farmers who have suffered due to inadequate market prices for their produce, particularly focusing on the need to address this issue urgently.

Moreover, Agriculture Minister Tummala Nageshwara Rao has also joined the discourse, advocating for assistance to sunflower farmers by proposing a reduction in support prices to Rs. 6,760 per quintal. However, Harish Rao contends that mere reduction in support prices is insufficient and argues for additional measures to support farmers.

Harish Rao’s letter serves as a platform to amplify the voices of farmers and highlight their challenges in accessing fair market prices for their produce. He underscores the imperative for government intervention to mitigate the losses incurred by farmers and ensure their livelihoods are safeguarded.

In conclusion, Harish Rao’s proactive engagement with Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and his advocacy for farmers’ welfare exemplify his dedication to addressing pertinent issues and advocating for the well-being of the public. Through his persistent efforts, he aims to drive positive change and ensure that the concerns of the populace are effectively addressed by the government.


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