Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan, a couple for nine years, tied the knot in June 2022 and welcomed surrogate twins, Uyir Rudro Neel N Shivan and Ulag Daivig N Shivan. Despite their public displays of affection, rumors emerged when Nayanthara unfollowed Vignesh Shivan on Instagram, accompanied by a cryptic post. The speculation about a possible separation and divorce spread quickly. However, Vignesh Shivan promptly addressed the situation by sharing a story promoting Nayanthara’s skincare brand, quashing the rumors and reaffirming their strong bond. Fans speculated that it might have been a technical glitch, and the couple’s relationship appeared unaffected. On the professional front, Nayanthara has several projects in the pipeline, including “Test” and “Manankatti since 1960,” along with a cameo in Vignesh Shivan’s directorial venture, “Love Insurance Corporation.”
- March 3, 2024
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