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Are your pets geared up for an adventure?

Are your pets geared up for an adventure?

Embarking on an extended adventure but anxious about leaving your beloved pet behind? Pet parents are eager to share their stories, tips, and tricks on seamlessly integrating your fur baby into all your escapades. Surprisingly, your pets are just as eager to join in on the excitement!

For Pooja Sharma, a Bengaluru resident, the choice to travel with her dogs Oscar and Karma is unequivocal. “The more we traveled together, I realized that they were willing to embrace experiences that I would enjoy,” says Pooja, who has ventured on hot air balloon rides and paragliding excursions with her canine companions. “Although paragliding initially frightened me, Oscar reassured me, making it a comfortable experience. They remained remarkably calm during the hot air balloon ride too. Of course, it’s essential to take all necessary precautions before embarking on such adventures,” Pooja adds.

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